Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5 -  Cinderella
2 -  Big Bad Wolf
4 -  Giant BeanStalk
6 -  Rescue Other Characters From Fire Breathing Dragon

Once upon a time there was little girl called Cinderella. She was walking down the path when suddenly she saw a giant beanstalk. She wondered what was up there so she climbed and climbed and climbed. When she got to the top she couldn’t believe her eyes. Then she saw a big bad wolf and he was being chased by a fire breathing dragon. Cinderella was a little bit scared but she wanted to help the big bad wolf even though he was big and bad. So she grabbed a big bucket of water and she through the water into the fire breathing dragon’s mouth and stopped the fire. The big bad wolf thanked Cinderella for saving him. Now the fire breathing dragon that breathes fire is now a water breathing dragon that breathes water. So Cinderella and the big bad wolf climbed down the beanstalk and they were safe and they all lived happily ever after.
                                                            THE END
                                                   By Nicole Thomson


  1. Cool story Nicole! I like the compound sentences! I think to make your writing better you could describe the characters more. Whaia te iti kahurangi! reach for the stars!

  2. I agree Kendra. I love how you have really thought about your sentences. What a great idea for a fairy tail.

  3. Wow! Nicole that writing was great. I liked it when you used different openers. But next time try to add in a little more detail into the start. :)
    Great work, I never knew you had your own blog that's so cool!

  4. Wow Nicole that is a creative piece of writing I really enjoyed reading it.

  5. Wow Nicole that was a pretty impressive story. I like how you used your imagination.
